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  • I've found myself coming back to this article several times when working on some hardware controller logic. Turns out Rust has some incredibly natural constructs for encoding state machines.

    TL:DR Have a generically typed state machine struct. Encode the states in structs. Encode the allowed transitions between states using the From trait. For example,

    // machine
    struct Machine<S> {
      state: S
    // states
    struct State1
    struct State2
    struct State3
    // transitions
    // state 1 -> state 2 -> state 3
    //    ^                     |
    //    |_____________________|
    // transition from state 1 to state 2.
    impl From<Machine<State1>> for Machine<State2> {}
    // transition from state 2 to state 3.
    impl From<Machine<State2>> for Machine<State3> {}
    // transition from state 3 to state 1.
    impl From<Machine<State3>> for Machine<State1> {}
    3 weeks ago | View Shared by greg

